17 June

Working Out at Work: A Real Perk

NPTI Florida, with locations in Orlando and Tampa, has witnessed a growing trend among corporations – the integration of fitness facilities within their corporate premises. The establishment of in-house fitness centers has become increasingly prevalent as companies seek innovative ways to enhance employee benefits, thereby enhancing their ability to retain talent. These fitness facilities serve as communal hubs, fostering a sense of unity among employees and constituting a valuable component of the corporate perks program.

Moreover, these corporate Fitness facilities place a strong emphasis on reducing insurance costs through the implementation of comprehensive “Wellness Programs.” Such programs have the potential to result in fewer sick days and heightened productivity while concurrently alleviating work-related stress among employees. An alarming 2016 study highlighted that a staggering 36 percent of the workforce experiences stress linked to their job responsibilities, incurring an annual cost of $30 billion in lost work days for U.S. businesses. Consequently, corporations are increasingly seeking the expertise of certified Personal Trainers to oversee and guide employees in these on-site fitness centers.

These highly educated and knowledgeable certified Personal Trainers play a pivotal role in fulfilling employee training requirements for the long term. As the trend of corporations incorporating fitness facilities continues to gain momentum, it creates a significant nationwide demand for certified Personal Trainers, particularly in the realm of personal training certification programs in Florida. 

Interested in becoming a personal trainer? Contact NPTI today. We offer the best personal trainer education programs in Florida. Start your application now.