Advanced Personal Fitness Training – 600 Hours

The Advanced Personal Trainer non-degree program is an immersive educational experience consisting of three modules, each comprising 200 hours of intensive training. The modules are Health and Wellness Coaching, Advanced Special Populations, and Youth Fitness. This comprehensive program is specifically designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of health and nutrition coaching, promoting holistic well-being for both the body and mind. Additionally, the program places a significant emphasis on understanding the unique needs of youth fitness clients and provides a comprehensive understanding of assessment and corrective exercise treatments for special populations.

The U.S. Health Coaching Market

Now, let’s take a closer look at the U.S. Health Coaching Market:

In recent years, health coaching has witnessed remarkable growth, establishing itself as a thriving $6 billion service market with a promising career outlook. Health educators in this field play a crucial role by providing guidance and motivation to clients, enabling them to make positive lifestyle changes and effectively manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Astonishingly, approximately 90% of the nation’s staggering $4.1 trillion annual healthcare expenditures are allocated to individuals with chronic and mental conditions. However, these costs can be significantly reduced through the implementation of health coach programs for employees and plan members. By encouraging healthier lifestyles, eliminating detrimental habits, promoting better nutrition and exercise, and facilitating the management of chronic conditions, health coaching programs have the potential to yield substantial cost savings while simultaneously improving overall well-being.

With the growing demand for fitness trainer services and the substantial impact it can have on individuals’ lives, there is a vast array of opportunities for aspiring professionals in this field. By completing the Advanced Personal Trainer non-degree program, you will gain the necessary expertise to enter this burgeoning market and make a positive impact on people’s health and quality of life. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this transformative industry and contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and communities alike.

Contact NPTI to Become a Personal Trainer in Florida

If you’re ready to embark on a fulfilling journey towards becoming a health coach and are seeking the best personal training education program in Orlando or Tampa, we encourage you to contact NPTI (National Personal Training Institute). We are dedicated to providing aspiring health coaches with a comprehensive and top-notch educational experience that will equip them with the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed to excel in the field.

Contact us today to learn more about becoming a health coach with the best personal training education program in Orlando or Tampa.

Program Objectives

Upon completion of this program graduates will be able to seek employment as a Health & Nutrition Coach at gyms, rehabilitation centers, athletic programs, and other places where health and fitness is offered. Students will be able to design and implement safe and effective Personal Fitness Training programs specific to Youth Fitness and Special Population clients.

Health and Wellness Coaching Module (200 Hours)

This module addresses the emotional/mental/psychological issues and the proposal of strategies to assist clients to be adherent and successful through positive behavior change.

  • Communication and Coaching
  • Psychological Aspects of Behavior Change
  • Interpersonal & Social Influences on Behavior Change
  • Nutritional Programming for Special Populations
  • Evaluating the Metabolic Process of Different Diets
  • Macronutrient and Micronutrient Meal Planning
  • Modern Meal Planning
Advanced Special Populations Module (200 Hours)

This course addresses a multitude of diseased populations which are currently considered to be the most prevalent. It is estimated that 80% of the client’s that Personal Trainers see will be classified as a special population.

  • Assessing for Human Movement Dysfunction
  • Corrective Exercise Strategies for Orthopedic Pathologies
  • Assessing for Biomechanical joint Dysfunction
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disorders
  • Training Special Populations
  • Metabolic Conditions & Disorders
  • Pulmonary Disorders & conditions
  • Cardiovascular Conditions and Disorders
  • Immunologic & Hematologic Disorders
  • Neuromuscular Conditions & Disorders
  • Cognitive Conditions & Disorders
  • Cancer, Seniors, and Female Specific Disorders
  • Health Appraisal and Fitness Assessments
Advanced Youth Fitness (200 Hours)

Advanced Youth Fitness Module will give personal trainers the resources to address nutritional programming, training programs and adherence and behavioral strategies for both the child and the parent.

  • Anatomical & Physiological Considerations for Youth Training
  • Strength & Conditioning for the Youth Populations
  • Training the Components of the Youth Training Models

NPTI Orlando Class Dates 2024-2025 600 Course

advanced personal fitness training 2023-min