08 July

How to Set Realistic Goals for Your Personal Training Career

Image of a woman working with a personal trainer on the National Personal Training Institute website

Every personal trainer, whether they’re a seasoned professional or a recent graduate of NPTI Florida (Orlando/Tampa) locations with a personal trainer certification, understands the paramount significance of establishing goals. The act of goal-setting is the cornerstone of future success in the field of personal training.

Personal Training Goals: The Linchpin of Success 

Before embarking on the journey of marketing your personal training business to potential clients, it is imperative to establish precise objectives that will serve as your guiding star. These objectives not only provide a sense of direction but also furnish you with a well-defined roadmap toward achieving success. Without such goals in place, it can be challenging to discern which steps are truly propelling your business forward. As a personal trainer, we highly recommend setting three distinct types of goals: short-term, long-term, and revenue-based objectives.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Goals

Setting short-term goals serves as a potent motivational tool and ensures that you remain steadfast in your daily efforts. NPTI Florida suggests a 90-day timeframe for short-term goals. This approach facilitates the breakdown of your overarching goal, such as signing up 15 new clients in the next 90 days, into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, enabling you to monitor your progress more effectively.

Long-term goals offer you a sense of direction, anticipate potential obstacles, and foster a heightened sense of urgency. These goals are typically achievable within a span of 2 to 5 years and act as the growth blueprint for your personal training enterprise. It is imperative that you grasp the essence of your long-term goals and how they will contribute to the expansion of your business and brand. For instance, if your long-term objective is to develop a million-dollar personal training business with ten trainers under your wing, breaking this grand ambition into smaller, manageable milestones will reveal the weekly and monthly tasks that must be accomplished.

Revenue goals stand as the cornerstone of your business aspirations. NPTI Florida recommends the regular monitoring of monthly and yearly revenue targets. To establish these goals, it is crucial to define your pricing structure for training clients, after which you can calculate your annual income objectives. For example, if you aim to earn $100,000 annually, you would need to charge approximately $60 per client hour and commit to a minimum of 40 training hours per week. This can further be broken down into monthly and weekly figures to ensure continuous tracking of your progress.

Developing Your Goals

When delineating your career goals, adhere to the following principles:

  1. Specificity: Keep your goals sharply focused and well-defined.
  2. Measurability: Regularly track your progress and maintain accountability.
  3. Attainability: Set goals that are ambitious enough to motivate and challenge you daily.
  4. Relevance: Ensure that your goals align with the specific objectives of your personal training business.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our personal trainer certification and personal training programs in Florida. We are dedicated to providing you with the information and support you need to kickstart your career or advance your skills in the world of personal training.

If you have any inquiries or require assistance regarding our Florida personal trainer certification programs or any aspect of personal training, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way.