Posts by nptiflorida

Winter Workout Tips: Stay Active and Safe with NPTI in Orlando and Tampa, Florida

18 December

Workouts don’t have to stop when the temperatures take a dip. Outdoor sports are able to continue as usual with a few extra steps to winterize your outdoor workouts so that you can help stay protected from the colder and less desirable elements. Frigid temperatures typically discourage even the most motivated exercisers. Personal training and fitness programs must be modified to address colder climate workouts and extreme conditions. Working with a personal training professional can help take a lot of the guesswork out of how to train or what to wear in the cold for a winter workout.

Transitioning to a Winter Workout: Tips from NPTI Florida

Here are a few tips from NPTI Florida to help you transition your outdoor workouts to survive the winter weather.

Check the Forecast First

Step One: Always check the forecast before heading outside. Temperature, wind, and moisture, along with the length of time that you’ll be outside, are key factors in planning a safe cold-weather fitness routine.

Dressing Appropriately for the Cold

Layer Up: Wear appropriate base layers. Layers are crucial for a winter workout. They regulate body temperature and keep you dry. Wool or wool-blended materials should be used as your first base layer.

Avoid Overdressing: Don’t overdress. Opt for lightweight insulated vests over bulky coats for better breathability.

Don’t Forget Hats and Gloves: Cover your head and hands. Most body heat is lost through the head, so wearing a hat can help retain body heat longer. Windproof and lined gloves are essential for protecting your hands.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is Key: Remember to stay hydrated even in cold weather. Dehydration can affect performance and stamina. Ensure your water doesn’t freeze by using insulated encasements for hydration bottles or flasks.

Recognizing the Signs

Know the Signs: Understand the signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Early warning signs include numbness, loss of feeling, or a stinging sensation for frostbite, while hypothermia symptoms include intense shivering, slurred speech, and fatigue.


These are just a few ideas to help winterize your outdoor workouts so that you can enjoy a winter workout while staying safe and comfortable in the cold. Contact NPTI Florida to learn more or to enroll in the best Florida personal training certification program with locations in Orlando and Tampa.

Become a Personal Trainer for the New Year

15 December

A fitness career in 2021 can help you get back on track after a tumultuous year. It can boost both your fitness and career goals. Whether you’re navigating a career transition, seeking a passion-driven profession, or simply looking to enhance your fitness journey, becoming a personal trainer holds unparalleled promise. It’s a holistic approach to self-improvement that transcends the boundaries of physical exertion, delving into realms of motivation, resilience, and personal transformation. So, as you contemplate your next steps in the journey of life, consider the profound impact of embracing a fitness career in 2021. Become a personal trainer, and unlock not only the potential within others but also the boundless potential within yourself.

Diverse Clientele, Diverse Needs

Clients reach out to hire personal trainers for a variety of reasons. Many people want to lose weight to feel better and have more energy. Other potential clients might be returning to fitness after an injury and need help adapting their workouts to support a specific recovery plan such as shoulder rehabilitation or knee and hip replacement.

Specialized Training for Every Goal

Some fitness fanatics may be looking for a coach to train them for a fitness competition and want to be more competitive. A Personal Training Diploma from NPTI Florida (Orlando/Tampa) gives you the educational knowledge and practical experience to support clients when you are starting a Personal Training business.

NPTI Graduates: Leaders in the Field

NPTI Florida graduates are able to use their valuable blend of education and experience to keep clients engaged and motivated during training sessions. They also have a variety of nutritional tools to help support their clients.

Adaptability in Training Methods

Home workouts have become very popular, but clients still need a trainer to guide them. Equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, and weighted ropes can add some variety to any strength training workout routine while training clients remotely. Plyometric exercises that utilize your own body weight for resistance can be an effective method for home training as well.

Focus on Recovery and Injury Prevention

NPTI Florida trainers also help support recovery and injury prevention so clients can train harder and push past their own personal limitations without increasing their risk of injury.

Personalized Training for Optimal Results

Hiring a personal trainer can help focus the workouts, making them more effective. Working out more effectively and with proper form allows you to achieve the results you want. Personal trainers can help create an individualized training plan specific to your personal fitness goals.

Your Path to Success

A Personal Training Diploma from NPTI Florida can help you achieve your own fitness goals as well as become a personal trainer in the 2021 New Year. Visit NPTI Florida (Orlando/Tampa) today and see why we are the largest ACCSC Accredited Personal Training School in the country offering Next Generation Personal Training Education.

NPTI Florida’s Tips for Avoiding the Flu This Season

14 December

Protect Yourself from the Flu: Tips from NPTI Florida

As many as 45 million Americans are affected by the flu each year, equating to approximately 5-9% of the population. Here are some suggestions from NPTI Florida to help reduce your risk of falling ill.

Understanding the Flu

The flu is a viral infection of the respiratory tract that can cause fever, chills, body aches, headaches, and a cough. While it typically lasts 5 to 7 days, symptoms can linger for 2 to 3 weeks.

Minimize Your Risk

Frequent handwashing and getting a flu vaccination are essential steps, but there’s more you can do as we head into winter.

Tips to Stay Healthy from NPTI Florida

1. Avoid Sick Individuals

NPTI Owner Pat Sherman advises staying away from sick people to prevent encountering the flu.

2. Promote Good Hygiene Practices

Ensure sick individuals stay home from gyms or fitness centers to prevent the spread of the flu, which can linger on surfaces for up to 8 hours.

3. Prioritize Sleep

Get 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night to support your immune system.

4. Nasal Passage Cleansing

Use a neti pot with saline solution to cleanse your nasal passage and prevent viral particles from entering your respiratory system.

5. Boost Your Immunity

Consider drinking bone broth and adding probiotics to your diet to strengthen your immune system.

6. Stay Active

Regular exercise can help dispel bacteria from your respiratory system and positively impact your immune system.

7. Practice Proper Hand Hygiene

Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds, especially upon entering a new environment, before eating, and after using the restroom.

Contact NPTI Florida for Personal Training Certification

For those interested in personal training certification to further promote health and wellness, consider enrolling with NPTI Florida. Strengthen your knowledge and career prospects while helping others stay fit and healthy. Contact us today to learn more and enroll!

The Signs of a Bad Personal Trainer

15 September

The reality of the fitness industry is that without enforced Personal Training regulation, the consumer is at risk. Considering there are no minimum educational requirements; the number of bad trainers seem to outnumber the educated qualified trainers. Sadly, those who pay the price are the unsuspecting clients who waste their time, spend their money, and put their health at risk with these uneducated Personal Trainers.

Characteristics of an Ineffective Personal Trainer

It is hard for the consumer to always know how to pre-qualify a Personal Trainer prior to the first training session. Here are a few characteristics of a trainer you would not want to engage with for professional services:

#1 Lack of Assessments

They do not offer any assessments. The best Personal Trainers perform thorough and complete assessments when working with a new client.

#2 Absence of Demonstrated Success or Experience

They cannot demonstrate previous success or experience. The best Personal Trainers keep detailed statistics of their clients.

#3 Reliance Solely on Certification

They only have a “Certification” without formal education or hands-on experience. Look for a Personal Trainer who has formal education in exercise science, nutrition, rehab, and program design.

#4 Poor Personal Health

The Trainer isn’t healthy or fit. Just like realtors who’ve never owned a home and a financial planner who is broke; out of shape trainers are everywhere.

#5 Failure to Distinguish Between Outcome and Behavior Goals

Trainers must know the difference between an outcome and a behavior. If the Trainer doesn’t know the difference between the two, they will not be able to give you attainable steps to reach your goal.

#6 Lack of Long-Term Planning

Trainers must have a 3-month plan from the start. The best trainers will have at least at minimum a 3-month fitness plan based on your level, needs, and goals.

#7 Neglect of Progress Tracking

Trainers must track progress and results. Clients are paying for measurable results.

#8 Separation of Training and Nutrition

They do not integrate training and nutrition. Exercise alone doesn’t work.

#9 Lack of Care

They don’t care. Most trainers don’t care about being great at their jobs.

Contact NPTI Florida for Quality Personal Training Certification

The bottom line is choosing your Trainer wisely. Contact NPTI Florida (Orlando/Tampa) for a reference or assistance in selecting your Personal Trainer. Take charge of your fitness journey with certified professionals. Enroll in a personal training certification course with NPTI Florida today!

How To Set Your Personal Training Price

19 August

All Personal Trainers at some point will have to set their own personal training price. Time is your most valuable asset. How much you charge clients is probably the most important decision you make. If your session price is too low, you may have a booked schedule; but not enough income to support your expenses and cost of living. If you price your sessions high or significantly higher than everyone else in town you may not get enough clients to support your business. Do not select your fees based on what you think your clients are willing to pay. You must invest time in researching industry trends and local marketability for the industry. NPTI Florida (Orlando/Tampa) owner Patrick Sherman suggests starting with a few basic steps:

Step 1: Do some research.

Clients will pay vastly different rates for goods and services depending on your location. Unfortunately, there is no single guide to reference this information locally. I suggest visiting other like business websites and document their fees for service. Research the associated fees for 6-10 like businesses that offer Personal Training in your area. Take several notes about pricing, services offered, experience, and how you perceive their personal training programming and facility. NPTI also suggests visiting the facility and location as well.

Step 2: Do the math.

The top three factors to consider when setting your session prices if you want to succeed:

What are your associated costs/expenses?
Write down all your monthly costs for your Personal Training business. This should include everything from rent, gas, utilities, phone, internet, trash, water, printing, website, SEO, cell phone, staff, salaries, education, license fees, equipment, insurance, cleaning, etc. Some expenses may be broken out as quarterly or annual.

How much do you need to earn?
Many Personal Trainers consider themselves in the business to help others and not get rich? This is the
time to be honest with yourself. No one starts a business to have a modest life or low-income career. If your goal is a six-figure salary, then work toward that goal incrementally.

How many hours are you willing to train?
Once again, be honest with yourself. Did you go into business to work 8 hours or 12 hours a day? Based on your above calculations and number. You can calculate what needs to be done to achieve your income potential as follows:

Personal Training Price per hour equals = (your costs plus + how much you need to earn) / (number of hours you are committed to train).

Most importantly, if you have invested in your future by becoming an educated highly trained personal
trainer; then your clients will recognize the difference and be willing to pay for your time. Stand out
from the crowd, make a difference, and your client base will grow.

NPTI Florida’s opinion on Milk Nutrition

20 July

Just the Facts on Milk’s Nutrition

Milk—or, more specifically, cow’s milk—is indeed a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Milk is said to serve as an excellent source of protein, calcium, and vitamin D, which are considered ‘nutrients of concern’ among the U.S. population—indicating that many individuals do not consume adequate amounts of these nutrients! Additionally, it provides magnesium along with various other minerals and nutrients.

It is advised that if dairy products are not part of your diet, it can be quite challenging to obtain sufficient calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong bones. The vitamin D and potassium found in milk also play significant roles in promoting bone health.

How Much Milk Should You Drink?

For those who choose to include dairy in their diets, NPTI suggests that one serving per day is a reasonable guideline. NPTI Florida advises clients to “accessorize” their meals with dairy—for example, adding a slice of cheese to a sandwich or a splash of milk to coffee.

This might be surprising, especially since the USDA recommends three servings daily. However, NPTI Florida believes that this recommendation might be excessive. The only groups that may genuinely require that amount of dairy are children and the elderly, as they are often more selective eaters and might not otherwise obtain the necessary nutrients.

Why You Shouldn’t Overdo It on Dairy?

If you enjoy milk and do not have any allergies, most experts agree that it’s acceptable, and potentially beneficial, to continue consuming it—at least in moderation. The primary concern with consuming too much dairy is that it could displace other nutritious foods (such as fruits and vegetables) from your diet.

On the other hand, many individuals who remove milk from their diets and experience a sense of well-being typically find that it is not due to any negative effects of milk itself. Instead, they often replace it with a variety of more nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, leading to a more balanced and wholesome diet.

But Does Milk Make You Fat?

You may have heard claims that milk contributes to weight gain, but there is no solid evidence to support this. NPTI Florida explained that while it is true that milk originates from mammals and has a biological function—to nourish infants for growth and development.

Milk naturally contains growth hormone as well as IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor-1) — both of which are designed to make animals get bigger. There is no substantial evidence that the quantity of milk typically consumed is linked to obesity. It is also not enough to significantly increase muscle mass. However, some studies indicate that drinking milk post-workout can aid muscle development, largely due to its protein content.

Why You Must Carry Personal Trainer Insurance

17 July

What is Personal Trainer Insurance?

Personal trainers face various risks while working in gyms across the country, from slip and fall accidents to allergic reactions or muscle injuries. These mishaps can not only jeopardize a trainer’s career but also pose a significant financial burden. Even highly qualified and experienced personal trainers who exercise utmost diligence and care remain exposed to liability risks throughout their careers.

That’s where personal trainer insurance steps in as a vital safety net. While most people understand the importance of insurance for their cars and homes, insuring oneself against liabilities in the context of personal training services may not be immediately apparent. Personal trainer insurance offers essential protection against two of the most common types of liability faced by professionals today: professional and general liability.

  • Professional liability covers claims directly related to the services you provide. For instance, this could be where a client asserts your program left them with some form of injury and they hold you liable for their medical bills.
  • General liability is related to third party claims for injury or property damage. This insurance is often called “slip and fall” since many claims have arisen in this very fashion.

With $1 million per occurrence and $3 million per year in general and professional liability coverage, personal trainers can enjoy peace of mind. This allows them to concentrate on delivering exceptional training sessions, secure in the knowledge that they are adequately protected. Moreover, personal trainer insurance can encompass additional features, such as:

  • Product liability coverage
  • Identity protection
  • Stolen equipment coverage
  • Rental damage insurance

NPTI Florida’s 10 Reasons to Carry Personal Trainer Insurance

  • Most health clubs and many states require that you carry liability insurance.
  • We live in a litigious world, where many people will sue even in situations where it is not warranted.
  • Regardless of how careful, diligent and skilled you are, certain unfortunate occurrences are outside the scope of your control.
  • Many potential clients seek out trainers who carry fitness instructor insurance.
  • Just as education and certification lends credibility, so does having a top-notch insurance company standing behind you.
  • There are over 460,000 reported fitness related injuries every year. Insurance will protect you from claims outside of your direct professional skills.
  • The average claim in the fitness industry is $5,500. You can be held 100% responsible if you do not have insurance.
  • In some cases, a single claim can ruin years of hard work, and perhaps even destroy your entire business.
  • The peace of mind that insurance provides will allow you to be that much more effective and confident in your work.
  • The minimal cost of insurance leaves serious health and fitness professionals with no excuse not to carry it.

Contact Us for the Best Florida Personal Training Certification

Are you a personal trainer in need of reliable insurance coverage for your career? We’re here to assist you. Contact us today to explore our comprehensive personal trainer certification programs. Your career and financial well-being are our top priorities, and we’re committed to helping you thrive in the fitness industry. Reach out to us now for a consultation and let us ensure your peace of mind as you pursue your passion for personal training.

Training Outdoors with the Sun and Elements

07 May

If you hold an NPTI Florida Personal Trainer certification and thrive on conducting outdoor personal training sessions, it’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of both yourself and your clients amidst the beautiful Florida sunshine. Regardless of the weather, certain precautions should always be in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. As a responsible personal trainer, your first line of defense is sunscreen. Even on the hottest and sunniest days, protecting your skin is paramount to long-term health.

Skin cancer risk is directly linked to cumulative sun exposure over a lifetime. Therefore, it’s imperative to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Pat Sherman, the owner of NPTI Florida, recommends opting for an alcohol-based, sports-gel sunscreen that won’t clog your pores, ensuring comfort during workouts.

Moreover, in addition to safeguarding your skin with sunscreen, maintaining proper skin hydration is essential. Harsh weather conditions, particularly during the winter months when humidity levels drop, can lead to dry and chapped skin. To combat this, applying a moisturizer becomes indispensable.

Moisturizers act as a protective barrier against the elements, preventing your skin from cracking and developing conditions like eczema. This is particularly important for personal trainers, as cracked hands can hinder your performance in the gym, impacting activities like pull-ups and weightlifting. Furthermore, open wounds resulting from cracked skin can increase the risk of infections.

Remember, as an NPTI Florida Personal Trainer, your commitment to personal training extends beyond the gym. By prioritizing skin protection and hydration, you not only safeguard your health but also set an example for your clients.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on personal training or personal trainer certification programs, please feel free to reach out to us. Your success and well-being are our top priorities. Contact us today for expert advice and support on your personal training journey.

NPTI Orlando Receives 2019 Best of Winter Park Award

01 October

Press Release


NPTI Orlando – Personal Trainer Certification & Continuing Education Receives 2019 Best of Winter Park Award

Winter Park Award Program Honors the Achievement

WINTER PARK September 9, 2019 — NPTI Orlando – Personal Trainer Certification & Continuing Education has been selected for the 2019 Best of Winter Park Award in the Vocational School category by the Winter Park Award Program.

Each year, the Winter Park Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Winter Park area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2019 Winter Park Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Winter Park Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Winter Park Award Program

The Winter Park Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Winter Park area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Winter Park Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community’s contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Winter Park Award Program

Winter Park Award Program

Cryotherapy and Personal Training

16 July

Cryotherapy, a term derived from the Greek words “cryo” (cold) and “therapia” (healing), encompasses a therapeutic procedure that harnesses extremely low temperatures to deliver a range of health benefits. This innovative approach finds its roots in the late 1970s when a Japanese doctor initiated short-duration freezing sessions on patients’ skin surfaces to alleviate rheumatoid arthritis discomfort.

Remarkably, this brief exposure to extreme cold proved more advantageous than traditional ice baths, prompting further exploration and research in Europe over the past few decades. The result has been the establishment of whole body cryotherapy as a potent tool not only for athletic recovery but also as a treatment for various conditions and ailments.

Cryotherapy and Personal Training

At NPTI Florida, we emphasize the fundamental concept behind this technique, which revolves around the reduction of inflammation. Many of the health issues faced by our Personal Training clients stem from excessive inflammation within the body. To illustrate, consider a scenario where you twist your ankle or sustain a head injury – one of the initial responses as a Trainer is to apply ice to reduce swelling.

Here’s the science behind it: In an environment significantly colder than an ice bath, approximately 100 degrees colder, your body initiates a redirection of blood flow to the core, where vital organs reside. Simultaneously, blood vessels in the limbs constrict, decreasing blood flow to those muscle areas, thereby alleviating inflammation and associated pain. Subsequently, the highly oxygenated blood is circulated throughout the body. This process not only aids in reducing swelling and discomfort but has also been linked to increased metabolism, accelerated recovery times, mood enhancement, improved skin condition, and better sleep.

What sets cryotherapy apart is its efficiency – in just a quick 3-minute session, you can experience a comprehensive reduction in inflammation throughout your entire body. Yes, you read that correctly – a mere 3 minutes, a few times a week, and you’ll notice a remarkable difference in how you feel! At NPTI Florida, we’ve integrated the advantages of cryotherapy into our classroom lectures and student field trips, recognizing its value in the realm of personal training. Many personal trainers are now incorporating cryotherapy as a valuable component of their clients’ weekly sessions whenever possible, further enhancing the overall wellness and recovery journey.

Contact NPTI Florida

If you’re passionate about pursuing a career in personal training and seeking top-tier personal trainer certification programs, NPTI Florida is here to guide you on your journey. Our comprehensive education and hands-on training ensure that you’ll be well-equipped to excel in the dynamic world of personal training. Whether you’re in Florida or beyond, our Florida personal trainer certification program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to make a real impact in the fitness industry. Contact us today to take the first step towards a rewarding career in personal training!