Personal Trainer Certification


If you are looking for a career as a certified personal fitness trainer, National Personal Training Institute of Florida might be the right fit for you. Personal Trainers with a classroom-based education are more likely to have successful long-term careers. Talk to an NPTI Advisor about our personal trainer certification programs at our Orlando or Tampa locations in Florida.

With America becoming more aware of the relationship physical fitness has on one’s long term health, there is a need for fitness knowledge and education. At NPTI, we understand that deciding where and how to pursue higher education is an important and life-changing decision.

The Orlando campus has housing assistance for its out of state and International students. NPTI has been training trainers for over 17 years from around the globe. NPTI Florida is veteran owned and operated.

With a Diploma in Personal Training our graduates are ready to enter the workforce! Graduates will have the confidence and skills to command top salaries in the Fitness industry. Our graduates are placed at health clubs, vacation resorts, cruise industry and some have opened their own studios.

NPTI can train you to the highest level. It’s the quality of Education that counts, not the type of Certification.





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